Horace X

Canadian Tour 2002

These pages document the amazing gigs, stages, venues, people and weather we were fortunate enough to play, perform on, drink in, drink with, and enjoy. Our favourite Canadian review so far describing how we "bounced around the stage like Muppets on meth"...(see Vancouver pages)

More photos will be put up as we get hold of them, as well as MPEGs of some of the performances. Please send any photos you have to hazel@horacex.co.uk. Thanks to Air Canada for damaging our equipment just enough to make us get proper flightcases, but not quite enough to cancel gigs.

July 4, Montreal Jazz, Montreal, Quebec

July 7 + 9, Atlantic Jazz Festival, Halifax, NS

July 11-14, Winnipeg Folk Festival, Man

July 17, Granville Island, Vancouver,

BC July 19-21 Vancouver Folk Fest, BC

July 26, Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, On

July 27, Stewart Park Festival, Perth, On